Colour Examples

[Zero compression (GIF)] The original GIF - the colors are clear, there's no blending, and the gradients on the right group are very well defined. (2.31k) - As an uncompressed picture (.BMP) it is 187k
Level 25/100 Here the colours are starting to blur, and there is a little bit of 'artifacting' creeping into the picture. (3.86k)
Level 50/100 At medium compression, you can see the shapes are starting to lose form (particularly the blue) and the gradients are starting to look very blotchy. (3.78k)
Level 99/100 This is awful. The color 'zones' are readily apparent, and in some cases (the green curve) there is no colour. The extreme right of the green gradient squiggle is completely gone. If you ever see a picture this badly compressed on a web page, FIND AND SHOOT THE OWNER. (1.74k)
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